Past Cases

Affray Charge Withdrawn and No Conviction for Common Assault
When an assault occurs in a public place, police will often lay a charge of affray instead of assault. This is significant, because the maximum

District Court Appeal: No Conviction for Refusing Breath Analysis
Refusing to submit to a breath analysis from police is a serious offence. In fact, it carries the same penalty as High Range PCA. Therefore,

No Jail for Dangerous Driving Occasioning Grievous Bodily Harm
There is a high risk of receiving a penalty of imprisonment for dangerous driving occasioning grievous bodily harm. If you are under the influence of

Client Found Not Guilty of Larceny
Our client was recently found not guilty of larceny. Police alleged that our client stole a handbag worth $1,500 from a restaurant, where she was

No Conviction for Large Drug Possession
Our 23 year old client was charged with supplying 21 capsules of MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine). It was their first criminal offence. They were extremely anxious about

Successful Licence Suspension Appeal – P1 Driver
Read about our latest case, where our client’s appeal against his licence suspension was successful.
Blog posts

How do I contact someone who is in jail?
How do I contact someone who is in jail? When a loved one goes into custody, either after being refused bail by police, or after

Zoe Whetham awarded Specialist Accreditation in Criminal Law
On 27 November 2023, Zoe Whetham attended the Law Society of NSW’s prestigious and widely respected Specialist Accreditation award ceremony in Sydney, where she was

Annulment Application: What happens if I forget to go to Court?
Being charged with a criminal or traffic offence can feel overwhelming. Sometimes, the confusion surrounding the charge or the court process, can lead you to

Child Protection Register NSW
If you are convicted of a prescribed sexual offence, you may also become a registrable person on the Child Protection Register. As a result, you

What is an interlock order? Can I get an exemption?
What is an interlock order? An interlock order is a court order requiring you to not drive, unless you have an interlock device installed in

Things You Shouldn’t Do When Attending Court
Attending court can be a daunting experience. It is a formal environment and as a result, there can be hefty consequences if rules aren’t followed.