If you’ve been charged with grievous bodily harm with intent, we are here to help.
This is a serious charge. As a result, you need an experienced criminal lawyer who not only understands the court process, but is committed to your result.
We’ve provided general information below. Alternatively, you can call us to book a free initial consultation.
What is intent to cause grievous bodily harm?
An intentional assault that results in grievous bodily harm.
Therefore to be guilty, the offence needs to be intentional. However, if a jury believes there was no intention, but it was reckless, then an alternative charge will apply. The alternative charge is recklessly inflict grievous bodily harm.
What is grievous bodily harm?
The definition in the legislation includes:
- The destruction of a foetus in a pregnant woman
- Any permanent or serious disfiguring of the person
- Any grievous bodily disease
Therefore, it’s generally referred to as a “really serious injury”.
Grievous bodily harm with intent sentence
The maximum penalty is 25 years imprisonment in NSW.
Most offenders will serve a significant period of full time imprisonment. However, in some cases a court might consider an intensive corrections order.
In order to reduce your sentence, it will be imperative to present a strong subjective case to the court.
If I defend the charge, what must be proved?
The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt:
- That there was intentional physical conduct (touching or striking);
- The physical conduct resulted in grievous bodily harm;
- At that time, you intended to cause grievous bodily harm
Therefore, you will be found not guilty if the prosecution is unable to prove these elements, or you can establish that you acted in self-defence.
We can help
We specialise in criminal law. In addition, we regularly appear in Local and District Courts throughout Newcastle, Sydney and New South Wales.
Contact us today on 0421 700 497 for a free initial consultation.