Drive in a manner dangerous is a serious traffic offence. As a result, you need to feel confident in your legal representation. Our commitment is to help you get the best possible outcome.
Will I go to jail for driving in a manner dangerous?
The maximum penalty is 9 months imprisonment. However, if it is a second major offence, the maximum penalty is 12 months imprisonment. Therefore, it’s possible to receive a term of imprisonment for this offence.
However, there are alternative sentences available. For example, a community corrections order or an intensive corrections order.
For less serious examples of this offence a term of imprisonment is unlikely.
Can I avoid a criminal record?
A court will most likely convict you for this offence. However, it is possible to avoid a criminal conviction.
The sentence imposed will depend on a number of factors. For example, these include:
- The level of negligence
- Your criminal history
- Your traffic history
- Completion of the Traffic Offenders Program
- Your subjective circumstances
Will I lose my licence for driving in a manner dangerous?
You will lose your licence if you are convicted.
The automatic disqualification period is 3 years and the minimum period is 12 months.
We can help
We will provide you with quality legal advice, to help you decide whether you should:
- Defend the charge
- Plead guilty
- Or, negotiate with police
Contact us today on 0421 700 497 for a free initial consultation.