Demanding property with intent to steal carries a maximum penalty of imprisonment. Therefore, it’s a serious offence.
As a result, being charged can feel overwhelming. However, our lawyers are with you every step of the way.
Will I go to jail for Demanding Property with an Intention to Steal?
The maximum penalty is 10 years imprisonment in NSW. However, the penalty increases to 14 years if the offence is committed ‘in company’. In other words, the offence occurred with another person.
Therefore, jail is possible. However, the court will consider a range of sentencing options, including an Intensive Correction Order. The sentence you receive will depend on a number of factors. These include the seriousness of the offence, your criminal history and your subjective circumstances.
For less serious offences, the court may consider a Community Correction Order.
Can I avoid a criminal record for Demanding Property with an Intention to Steal?
This is a serious criminal offence. Therefore, a conviction is likely. However, in rare circumstances you could receive a Conditional Release Order without conviction.
In deciding your sentence, the court will consider a number of factors. For example, these include:
- The seriousness of the charge
- Your criminal history
- Any rehabilitation you have completed
- Your subjective circumstances
If I defend the charge, what must be proved?
The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that you:
- With menaces or by force,
- Demands property from a person
- With the intention to steal that property
Therefore, you will be found not guilty if the prosecution is unable to prove these elements.
We can help
Our experienced criminal lawyers regularly appear in criminal cases throughout Newcastle, Sydney and New South Wales. We are committed to your result. In addition, we will ensure you’re informed and consulted every step of the way.
Contact us today on 0421 700 497 for a free initial consultation.